12th Panhellenic Congress of Thoracic - Heart - Vascular Surgeons
Address by the President
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to the "Athens Crossroad" conference, which will take place in the historic building of the Zappeion Palace, in the heart of Athens, on 8-10 November 2018. This is a multi-disciplinary event, as part of the 12th Panhellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of Thoracic - Cardiac - Vascular Surgeons, co-organized with the 2018 ISMICS Workshop, the 14th Annual Congress of the Euro-Asian Bridge Society and the 2nd World Congress of the Hellenic Cardiothoracic Surgery Diaspora.
The organization of this conference makes us happy for a number of reasons. The response of distinguished speakers from all over the world creates from the outset the certainty of a scientific programme of high standards. More than 60 leading surgeons, through lectures, workshops, interdisciplinary sessions will cover all fields of modern cardiothoracic surgery. At the same time, Greek colleagues will highlight their work through presentations, creating at the same time a scientific bridge with pioneering surgeons of the world. Those from the Diaspora return with a sense of contribution to their place of origin, strengthening their ties with their homeland. Together, we welcome the minimally invasive methods scavengers from the International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgeons and our neighbours from the Euro-Asian Bridge Society, making this meeting a world-class event.
At the same time, doctors of related specialties, nurses and medical students actively participate in the work of the conference, while the Panhellenic Association of Extracorporeal Circulation co-organizes its 12th conference. Athens becomes for a 3-day period an international scientific crossroads, where friendship and cooperation are characteristic, giving the opportunity to exchange experiences, knowledge and synergies for the development of our specialty.
In addition, with the help of local institutions, we are laying the foundations for cultural events that will take place during the conference. Athens, the birthplace and foundation stone of Western civilisation, is an ideal place for further study of history. A modern charming metropolis that combines the old with the new.
Our ambition is to organize a high level multi-disciplinary event, bridging the global Cardiothoracic Surgery community with the Greek one and our specialty with other related ones. We look forward to everyone's participation and contribution to a successful conference. Besides, Greek hospitality has always played an important role in our values.
With Honors
Sotirios Prapas

You can arrange an appointment with the doctor
In the morning the Thoracic Surgeon, Dr Athanasios Kleontas MD is at the Interbalkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki, while in the evening he is at his private office (73, Ermou St).
+30 2310 - 400000
Office 11, 2nd floor. Dec 1742
Doctor is available (by mobile) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You meet him only by appointment at his private office:
Monday to Friday : 18.00 - 21.00