Effectiveness of prophylactic levosimendan in patients with impaired left ventricular function undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
- Η αποτελεσματικότητα της προφυλακτικής χρήσης λεβοσιμενδάνης σε ασθενείς επηρεασμένη λειτουργικότητα της αριστερής κοιλίας που πρόκειται να υποβληθούν σε αορτοστεφανιαία παράκαμψη: μια τυχαιοποιημένη πιλοτική μελέτη
- Kyriakos Anastasiadis, Polychronis Antonitsis*, Konstantinos Vranis, Athanassios Kleontas, Christos Asteriou, Vassilios Grosomanidis, Paschalis Tossios and Helena Argiriadou
- Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery (2016) 1–8 (ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
- doi:10.1093/icvts/ivw213
You can arrange an appointment with the doctor
In the morning the Thoracic Surgeon, Dr Athanasios Kleontas MD is at the Interbalkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki, while in the evening he is at his private office (73, Ermou St).
+30 2310 - 400000
Office 11, 2nd floor. Dec 1742
Doctor is available (by mobile) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You meet him only by appointment at his private office:
Monday to Friday : 18.00 - 21.00